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The Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success acknowledges Indigenous peoples across Australia as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the nation’s campuses are situated. With a history spanning more than 60,000 years as the original educators, Indigenous peoples hold a unique place in our nation. We recognise the importance of their knowledge and culture, and reflect the principles of participation, equity, and cultural respect in our work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future, and consider it an honour to learn from our Indigenous colleagues, partners, and friends.

You are reading: Student Equity Data Guide: Equity Performance Measures

What are Student Equity Performance Measures?

Student Equity Performance Measures are indicators or metrics that can be used to assess the participation and success of equity students. The Australian Government Department of Education (the Department) releases Equity Performance Measure data annually as part of its release of student data. These are calculated from institutional data uploaded to the Department’s Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) system by Table A and Table B Provider institutions in higher education[1]. The public release of these data is usually in the second half of the following year (for example, the 2023 Equity Performance Measures were released publicly by the Department in September 2024).

Which Student Equity Performance Measures are reported?

The Department reports on performance measures for domains such as access, participation, success, retention, attainment, and completion. The summary table below provides an overview of each Equity Performance Measure, including its definition and metric. For each domain, the Department reports equity group enrolment “counts” and/or “rates” that are described
in the table. Ratios, which require the use of a suitable benchmark rate, are described further in “Student Equity Data Guide: Selecting and Using Equity Reference Values”.

Where can I get more information or data?

Equity Performance Measures for Australia, states/territories, institutional groupings, and individual institutions are available in various locations online:

  1. ACSES Interactive Data Tool
  2. Department of Education Data Tables
  3. Department of Education Pivot Tables and Business Intelligence Reports

In addition, custom data requests can be submitted to the Department of Education here.

Summary table (click on table to expand to full screen view)

A table providing an
overview of each Equity Performance Measure, including its definition and metric

[1] More information on Table A and Table B Providers is available here.

Featured publications
This study addressed this topic in the Australian context using data from the annual Student Experience Survey (2016–2020 waves) with linkage to administrative records for 24,292 students from seven higher education institutions.
This report outlines policy options in relation to parity targets for four priority equity groups in Australian higher education – students from low SES backgrounds, First Nations Australian students, students with disability, and students from regional and remote Australia.
A Nuanced Understanding of Regional, Rural and Remote Students’ Tertiary Participation in Australia.
The Critical Interventions Framework Part 3 (CIF 3) focuses on evaluative studies which provide details of the impacts of specific interventions on equity groups in relation to access to and success in higher education.
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