A new NCSEHE resource launched this month will provide open access to a diverse collection of research and projects funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (DET).
During 2018, over 80 projects commissioned under the DET National Priorities Pool (a component of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program) will be published to the online database, initially spanning the 2014–16 funding rounds.
Users will be able to identify and engage with a broad range of content, from research reports to widening participation programs, using advanced search and filtering capabilities as well as easy to navigate summaries and final reports in accessible format. As more projects reach completion, they will be added to this evidence base in the longer term.
The DET Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) aims to ensure that Australians from low socioeconomic status backgrounds who have the ability to study at university have the opportunity to do so. The National Priorities Pool component provides funding for projects that support the more effective implementation of HEPPP nationally and at the institutional level.
Media contact:
Nina-Marie Thomas
Media and Communications Officer
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education
Tel | +61 8 9266 3721
Email | nina-marie.thomas@curtin.edu.au