Since 2014, the NCSEHE Research Grants Program has funded 79 projects, across six rounds, with total expenditure of A$3,020,512. The Equity Fellowship program began in 2016. Since then, 12 Fellowships have been awarded to researchers and practitioners to conduct year-long studies into topics of emerging importance to equity in Australian higher education.
The 2019–20 Research Grants Program funding round focused on the following themes:
- equity students and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
- equity and mature-aged students
- digital inclusion and student equity
- study–life balance and student equity
- “non-traditional” equity groups (i.e., groups other than low socioeconomic status [low SES]; Indigenous; disability; regional and remote; non-English speaking background [NESB]; women in non-traditional areas [WINTA]; or First-in-Family [FiF] students)
- housing and student equity.