The Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success acknowledges Indigenous peoples across Australia as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the nation’s campuses are situated. With a history spanning more than 60,000 years as the original educators, Indigenous peoples hold a unique place in our nation. We recognise the importance of their knowledge and culture, and reflect the principles of participation, equity, and cultural respect in our work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future, and consider it an honour to learn from our Indigenous colleagues, partners, and friends.

You are reading: The Online Student Experience: A MAC-ICE Thematic Structure

Dr Mel Henry, Curtin University

Originally published in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET)
Published online 13 June 2021


Attracting and retaining students in a COVID-distanced online higher education market is more important than ever. With limited access to campus, extensive student choice, and precarious institutional revenue, understanding what makes a positive online student experience in the eyes of students themselves, is vital for institutional survival. Through an in-depth case study of online first-year university students, this research identified six themes that describe students’ lived experiences of online education (OE), summarised as a motivation, ability, circumstances – interaction, curriculum, environment, or MAC-ICE, thematic structure of the online student experience (OSE). Where online students are deeply motivated, possess the skills to participate effectively in online university education, and are situated in conducive circumstances, they may be well placed for a positive student experience. Supplementing this, universities may facilitate a quality OSE through meaningful interaction with instructors, peers, and course content; flexible, challenging, and relevant curricula; and a reliable, innovative learning environment commensurate with the on-campus student experience. The rich description provided by this research enables generation of propositions about students’ experiences of OE, and suggests opportunities to enhance the OSE through consideration of identified themes.

Read the full article here.

Reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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