opening page ornament

The Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success acknowledges Indigenous peoples across Australia as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the nation’s campuses are situated. With a history spanning more than 60,000 years as the original educators, Indigenous peoples hold a unique place in our nation. We recognise the importance of their knowledge and culture, and reflect the principles of participation, equity, and cultural respect in our work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future, and consider it an honour to learn from our Indigenous colleagues, partners, and friends.

You are reading: NCSEHE Student Equity Snapshots Forum: A week of lightning talks by the 2019/20 Equity Fellows

Event information

On 26–30 October 2020, the NCSEHE hosted an exciting series of lightning talks and online discussions presented by the 2019/20 Equity Fellows.

Since 2016, the NCSEHE has supported 12 Equity Fellows to conduct targeted research projects, advancing student equity research, policy and practice. The 2019/20 cohort have each undertaken major year-long projects, variously focusing on regional and remote students, students with disability, mature age students, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Participants at this year’s Student Equity Snapshots Forum gained unique insight into current student equity issues, delivered by the six Fellows, followed by live online discussions related to their projects.

Event Program

Monday 26 October 2020

Supporting students’ mental wellbeing: Mature-aged students in regional and remote Australia say teaching and learning makes such a difference!

Dr Nicole Crawford, NCSEHE

Guest facilitators: Professor Maria Raciti and Professor Sally Kift

In this lightning talk, Nicole shares a snapshot of her NCSEHE Equity Fellowship, which focused on how we (staff and universities) can proactively support the mental wellbeing of mature-aged university students in regional and remote Australia.

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Pathways to allied health: Insights from Indigenous health professionals

Dr Andrea Simpson, La Trobe University

Guest facilitator: Professor James Smith, Menzies School of Health Research

Guest speaker: Kim Alley, La Trobe University

Why do Indigenous students choose to study health? What is their student experience, and would they recommend their choice to others?

Closing the workforce “gap” between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is an important national priority, one which feeds into an overarching policy of reducing evidenced socioeconomic disparities. Yet only 0.4 per cent of university-qualified allied health professionals identify as Indigenous. This Fellowship considers how Indigenous allied health professionals arrived at their chosen professions and explored their individual career narratives.

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Wednesday 28 October 2020

On footprints, the university experience and why we need to listen to regional students

Dr Janine Delahunty, University of Wollongong

Guest facilitator: Dr Cathy Stone, University of Newcastle Australia

Deciding to go to university for regional people is often a complex process of considerations, that go far beyond which degree pathway to take. But what are these considerations, and how do we know what students are contending with once they begin their studies, unless we ask? Unless we take heed?

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Thursday 29 October 2020

Building a stronger evidence base to support effective outreach strategies for Indigenous students: Increasing impact and university participation

Dr Katelyn Barney, University of Queensland

Guest facilitator: Dr Nicole Crawford, NCSEHE

Guest speaker: Professor Maria Raciti, USC

Many universities run outreach camps for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students and the case for these initiatives is strong as much data exists about the barriers Indigenous students face in entering university. However, the research and evidence base for these equity programs remains largely underdeveloped.

Drawing on findings from Katelyn’s Equity Fellowship, this talk gives a snapshot of what makes outreach programs a “success” in this context and suggests strategies to improve and strengthen outreach programs.

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Friday 30 October 2020

Disability support in higher education: What our students are telling us

Associate Professor Tim Pitman, Curtin University

Guest facilitator: Louise Pollard, The University of Notre Dame Australia

This year, Tim has been asking students with disability to rate the level of support they receive from their higher education institution. Already, more than 800 students have done so and the number keeps growing.

In this talk, Tim gives an insight into what students are saying about how they are being supported. This includes not only the physical infrastructure of the university but also its rules and processes, the attitudes of people, technology, communication, and its social life. Tim also talks about how support is perceived by regional students, compared to their urban peers.

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Friday 30 October 2020

‘There’s nothing inevitable about exclusion’: Choices and issues in careers support for students with disability

Mr David Eckstein, Swinburne University of Technology

Guest facilitator: Matt Brett, Deakin University

Universities want career development for students with disability, but resource constraints make things difficult. The good news is that readily available assets can be used to meet the needs of each university and its students.

This lightning talk shares highlights from national staff and student consultation including students’ lived experience of disability and its impact on their career aspirations.

View the lightning talk recording, transcript and #NCSEHE_Snapshots publication here:

Full program

Find out more about the NCSEHE Equity Fellows Program.