Event information
Deakin University Waurn Ponds
Join Deakin University in supporting World Access to Higher Education Day
About this Event
World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) takes place on Tuesday 26 November and Deakin University is proudly contributing to the conversation and supporting the global efforts to share and understand the challenges and commitments towards global, national and local issues of access.
WAHED provides a platform to raise global awareness around inequalities in access and success in higher education, and act as a catalyst for international, regional and local action.
Why is it important?
Building social justice through access to higher education is a common value for many universities around the world. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), have recognised the importance of access to higher education by making equal access to education, including university, one of its Global Goals for 2030 through Sustainable Development Goal 4.
Deakin’s framework to achieving sustainable development, which includes equity in access is described in its 2030 Challenge. Deakin’s founding Act embeds an aspiration to become a progressive and committed university, committed to equitable opportunities and inclusion.
This year’s theme is Advocating for Equity, and we invite you to join us as we will be holding a panel discussion with staff and students to contribute to the wider conversation, and hear from powerful student voices on the topic.
Students will share their stories reflecting their personal challenges accessing higher education and their subsequent success in participation. Collectively, participants will engage in the key questions for Deakin about action to reduce inequality and widening participation in higher education.
Student Voices:
- Erica Adams Re-engaging with education via pathways
- Tegan Whitten Studying and leading change with a disability/chronic medical condition
- Allias Hemmat Applying for protection and access to tertiary education
- Kerryn McGrath
Deakin’s Staff:
- Matt Brett, Director, Academic Governance and Standards
- Mel Martinelli, Executive Director, Diversity and Inclusion
- Dr. Karen Dunwoodie, Research Fellow at the Deakin University, Centre for Refugee, Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education (CREATE)
- Dr. Tyson Yunkaporta, Senior Lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at the Institute of Koorie Education
More information and registration is available on the Deakin University website.