Event information
University of Otago, Dunedin
ANZSSA members from Aotearoa/New Zealand are delighted to invite you to the ANZSSA 2019 Conference which will be held at the University of Otago in Dunedin from 8–11 December 2019.
The theme is Ka karangaranga i te pari, ka eke ki te taumata: Amplifying narratives for student success.
Who Should Attend
The conference will be of benefit to anyone who has an interest in the quality of the student experience, including Australian and New Zealand delegates from the following professions and organisations:
- counsellors
- health practitioners
- staff working in student recreation departments
- student guild advocates
- mentor program staff
- mediation and conflict resolution staff
- chaplaincy and multi-faith support
- careers advisors
- student wellbeing advisors
- equity staff
- academic advisors
- first year experience practitioners
- student support service managers and directors
- coordinators of student services
- learning and language providers
- NZAID and AusAID liaison officers
- admissions officers
- accommodation officers
- students and teachers
- government personnel
- supporting companies such as accommodation providers and insurance providers
- anyone else with an interest in the quality of the student experience.
More information is available on the ANZSSA website.