Event information
Flinders University, Bedford Park campus
The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) is for tertiary science and mathematics educators to share ideas and keep up to date. This conference encompasses biological sciences, chemistry, geosciences, health sciences, information technology, learning and cognitive sciences, mathematics and statistics, molecular and microbial sciences, physics and psychology as well as the various fields of the applied sciences. A Discipline Day is also attached to the Conference.
The changing face of teaching
The increasing recognition of the necessity for ‘good teaching’ through the emergence, use and impact of ‘quality’ metrics brings a range of challenges for science educators. How can we effectively engage with and educate new students? How can we make best use of new methods and resources, (including technology) to address this issue? What is the role of academic staff whose primary role is teaching?
The changing role of teachers
The role of university teachers has changed significantly over the last two decades. What does the modern university teacher look like and what impact are ‘teaching focussed’ academic staff having on improving student engagement, improving student outcomes, and improving the teaching practice of other academic staff?
Preparing graduates for an uncertain future
There is much speculation as to what impact factors such as artificial intelligence, automation, and globalization will have on the future of work. How as educators are we responding to this increasingly complex and uncertain future in the ways that we prepare the students of today for the workforce of tomorrow? What skills are needed? How do you know that students are learning creativity and problem solving? How is this playing out in individual units of study vs. whole of degree?
Emerging models of curriculum design, delivery and assessment
Traditional thinking about curriculum was focussed primarily on disciplinary content that was delivered through lectures and assessed by examination. A wide range of other considerations must now also be addressed both through overarching ‘whole of degree’ curriculum design and assessment as well as through individual units of study. How do we best design, deliver and assess within a skills-based curriculum framework?
For more information and to register, visit the conference website.
Please direct further enquiries to the conference organisers at askacsme@gmail.com.