The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) at Curtin University has extended the deadline for applicants to apply for its inaugural First Nations Fellowship Program aimed at giving students from under-represented backgrounds greater access and success in higher education.
The First Nations Fellowship is one of three programs NCSEHE has committed up to $1.77 million towards, with an aim to develop ground-breaking, robust, high-quality, and internationally competitive research that will build the peer-reviewed evidence base and contribute to evidence-based policy development and practice.
NCSEHE Research Director Professor Ian Li said the program would provide support for the best minds in the sector to undertake projects addressing complex issues of top priority in higher education policy and equity.
“At NCSEHE, we are committed to fostering excellence and inclusivity in higher education. One of our core goals is to provide opportunities that empower individuals and enable them to make meaningful contributions to their chosen field,” Professor Li said.
“In our pursuit to create a highly capable, diverse and dynamic cohort, we want to ensure everyone who is interested has ample time to apply. Extending the deadline for the First Nations Fellowship applications reflects our commitment to provide equal access to opportunities for all qualified individuals.”
NCSEHE Executive Director Professor Shamit Saggar said that while good progress had already been achieved as a result of research completed and funded by the NCSEHE previously, the additional funding committed to its equity research programs should accelerate learning and change.
“There is more to be done in terms of addressing systemic disadvantage in higher education. The projects the NCSEHE will fund are aimed at shifting universities’ priorities and practices on the ground, ultimately benefiting students,” Professor Saggar said.
“Higher education is set to undergo substantial change in Australia, and it is the goal of the National Centre through these funding programs to support the sector to become much more inclusive of talent, regardless of background.”
The NCSEHE’s inaugural First Nations Fellowship Program will provide up to three fully funded fellowships valued up to $230,000 each for one year. It will be open to First Nations (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) Australians working as researchers and practitioners in higher education, to complete a project that will inform an area of higher education equity practice and policy.
More information on the Program, including details on how to apply, can be found on the First Nations Fellowship Program page here.
Media Contact:
Miriam Fisher, NCSEHE Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Manager
Tel: (08) 9266 4327 / 0478 266 357 Email: