The Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success acknowledges Indigenous peoples across Australia as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the nation’s campuses are situated. With a history spanning more than 60,000 years as the original educators, Indigenous peoples hold a unique place in our nation. We recognise the importance of their knowledge and culture, and reflect the principles of participation, equity, and cultural respect in our work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future, and consider it an honour to learn from our Indigenous colleagues, partners, and friends.
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COVID-19 online learning landscapes and CALDMR students: Opportunities and challenges
Sally Baker, Joel Anderson, Rachel Burke, Teresa De Fazio, Clemence Due, Lisa Hartley, Tebeje Molla, Carolina Morison, William Mude, Loshini Naidoo, Ravinder Sidhu
Research found CALDMR university students have faced additional barriers in the sudden shift to online learning and virtual classrooms during COVID-19.
Proactively supporting students’ mental wellbeing: Guidelines and recommendations for staff and universities
Nicole Crawford
Guidelines and recommendations for staff and universities to support students' mental wellbeing, informed by Nicole Crawford's NCSEHE Equity Fellowship.
Exploring benefits and challenges of online Work Integrated Learning for equity students
Amani Bell, Kathryn Bartimote, Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, Gulwanyang Moran, James Tognolini, Nora Dempsey
NCSEHE-funded research investigates the benefits and challenges of online Work Integrated Learning for students from equity groups in Australia and the US.
The Online Student Experience: A MAC-ICE Thematic Structure
Mel Henry
Research by Mel Henry identified six themes around students’ experiences of online education through a case study of online first-year university students.
Student’s reported satisfaction at University: the role of personal characteristics and secondary school background
Ian W. Li, Denise Jackson, Paul Koshy
This study addressed this topic in the Australian context using data from the annual Student Experience Survey (2016–2020 waves) with linkage to administrative records for 24,292 students from seven higher education institutions.
The Critical Interventions Framework Part 3: Programs and approaches that enable equity in higher education
Anna Bennett, Ryan Naylor, Jo Hanley, Jo Lewis, Cheryl Burgess
The Critical Interventions Framework Part 3 (CIF 3) focuses on evaluative studies which provide details of the impacts of specific interventions on equity groups in relation to access to and success in higher education.
Indigenous university pathways, WIL and the strengthening of aspirations: Robbie’s journey as a learner
Garth Stahl, Sarah McDonald, Jennifer Stokes
A case study documenting the transition of one Indigenous student, Robbie, from an underprivileged school located in the Western suburbs of Sydney to an urban Australian university.
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