Since 2016, the NCSEHE Equity Fellows Program has supported 12 Fellows to undertake high-impact projects, specifically to improve higher education access, participation and success for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The 2019/20 Equity Fellows, Mr David Eckstein, Associate Professor Tim Pitman, Dr Janine Delahunty, Dr Andrea Simpson, Dr Katelyn Barney and Dr Nicole Crawford focused variously on regional and remote students, students with disability, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
The release of these six reports during 2021 and 2022 is complemented by a series of Snapshots print and digital publications, showcasing the Fellows’ work in unique and eye-catching formats.
Building a stronger evidence base to support effective outreach strategies for Indigenous students
Dr Katelyn Barney
Katelyn Barney’s Fellowship identified success factors and highlights areas to strengthen outreach initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students.
“On the radar”: Supporting mental wellbeing of mature-aged students in regional & remote Australia
Dr Nicole Crawford
Nicole Crawford’s Fellowship investigated proactive approaches to support the mental wellbeing of mature-aged university students in regional and remote Australia.
‘You going to uni?’ Explore how people from regional, rural & remote areas navigate higher education
Dr Janine Delahunty
Janine’s Fellowship explored how regional and remote people navigate into and through higher education and what challenges they face in realising their goals.
Meaningful jobs for students with disability: From luck to business as usual
Mr David Eckstein
David Eckstein’s Fellowship investigated the provision of targeted careers support for students with disability, as well as barriers to service provision.
Supporting persons with disabilities to succeed in higher education
Associate Professor Tim Pitman
Tim Pitman’s Fellowship looked at how universities can best support people with disability, particularly regional, rural and remote students.
Indigenous students’ journeys to & through allied healthcare programs
Dr Andrea Simpson
Andrea Simpson’s Fellowship investigated pathways to higher degree allied health coursework programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.