The Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success acknowledges Indigenous peoples across Australia as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the nation’s campuses are situated. With a history spanning more than 60,000 years as the original educators, Indigenous peoples hold a unique place in our nation. We recognise the importance of their knowledge and culture, and reflect the principles of participation, equity, and cultural respect in our work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future, and consider it an honour to learn from our Indigenous colleagues, partners, and friends.
University of Tasmania
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Keeping the Party in Full Swing: Findings on Online Student Engagement With Teacher Education Students
Belinda Hopwood, Janet Dyment, Jillian Downing, Cathy Stone, Tracey Muir, Elizabeth Freeman, Naomi Milthorpe
The COVID-19 pandemic has further increased the need to teach and design courses in ways that successfully engage students online. This research set out to gain a deeper understanding of what it means for ITE students to be engaged in online learning and how teacher educators can enhance pedagogical practices in the online learning space.
On the radar: Supporting the mental wellbeing of mature-aged students in regional and remote Australia
Nicole Crawford
University students’ mental wellbeing is increasingly “on the radar” of universities in Australia and internationally. This one-year 2019/20 NCSEHE Equity Fellowship research investigated university students’ perspectives on mental wellbeing and their insights into proactive approaches that they found supportive during their university studies.
Supporting student wellbeing during COVID-19: Tips from regional and remote Australia
Nicole Crawford
NCSEHE Equity Fellow Nicole Crawford draws from her Fellowship research with regional and remote students to provide recommendations for supporting students’ mental health, wellbeing and success, in the context of learning and teaching online.
Regional communities’ influences on equity participation in higher education
Robin Katersky Barnes
The study defined student influencers and community characteristics that supported positive higher education outcomes. Case studies identified three community themes for student encouragement and support in higher education. These included the valuing of education at all levels; a strong sense of connectedness and belonging; and a narrative of success including involvement in higher education.
Good Practice in Online Teacher Education
Janet Dyment
This document responds to the growth in online ITE around Australia and the concerning statistics about lower retention, success, and completion rates of online ITE students. It is intended to be used by teacher educators working in the online space. It will also have relevance for educators working in other discipline areas in higher education who teach online.
Chronicling engagement: students’ experience of online learning over time
Tracey Muir
This paper presents results from weekly feedback on online education students’ engagement over the length of one semester at a regional Australian university. It also chronicles in more depth the experiences of one student across the same semester. The paper draws from Equity Fellowship research by co-author Cathy Stone.
Pathways to performance: an examination of entry pathway and first-year university results
Mark R. Diamond
This report describes the outcomes for students entering university via one alternative entry pathway and compare them with those of students entering from secondary school. The relationship between secondary school performance, pathway of entry to university, and performance during first year university was examined. The results have substantial implications for changes in admission criteria and for the public funding of universities.
Exploring the Retention and Success of Students with Disability
Sue Kilpatrick
The number of students with disability in higher education is increasing. National data reveal differences in the retention and success of these students across Australian higher education institutions but the reasons for this are not clear. The overarching aim of this study was to explore the relationship between supports and university adjustment for students with disability, and their retention and success.
Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Higher Education
Ceridwen Owen
This project targets improvements in support for higher education students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in light of the substantive existing and anticipated future growth of this population, and the failure of existing supports to meet their complex and unique needs.