The Department of Education will shortly call for Expressions of interest (EOI) from Table A providers (including consortia) for Higher Education Priority projects under the 2019 National Priorities Pool component of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Programme (HEPPP).
It is anticipated that the round will open in the coming weeks and close in late September.
Around $6.2 million dollars will be available in the 2019 round, for large scale collaborative projects to complete before the end of 2022.
The Department will seek expressions of interest under the following themes:
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The maximum number of EOIs permitted in the 2019 National Priorities Pool round from one Administering Organisation is five. Of these, up to five EOIs may be submitted under a single theme, however the total number of applications across the three themes from one Administering institution may not exceed five. Expressions of Interest in excess of this number will not be considered.
Applications must be coordinated and submitted through the Administering Organisation’s Research Office or equivalent business unit with responsibility for contact with the Commonwealth concerning grants proposals under the organisation’s grants policies.
Applicants are asked to register their interest in the round by emailing by 16 August 2019. Dates of information sessions will be circulated in due course.
The purpose of the National Priorities Pool is to support effective implementation of the HEPPP nationally and at an institutional level. In practical terms, this includes updating the evidence and policy basis for the program, and enhancing on-ground delivery at both the national level and within individual institutions. The National Priorities Pool supports projects that align with the overarching program goals of improving higher education outcomes (including access, participation, retention, success, and completion rates) for people from low SES backgrounds. The National Priorities Pool supports projects that develop evidence, trial innovative ideas, build capacity, and reform systems to maximise opportunity and outcomes for people from low SES backgrounds in higher education. The 2019 National Priorities Pool Investment Plan is available on the Department’s website.
The legislative basis for the operation of the HEPPP is the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012. Projects funded under the 2019 National Priorities Pool must target low socio-economic status (SES) students.
All enquiries should be directed to the Equity Inbox (
Information provided by Steve Erskine
A/g Branch Manager, Governance, Quality and Access Branch, Higher Education Group
Australian Government Department of Education