Event information
Online webinar
This webinar put a spotlight on effective career development for students in low SES and regional/remote high schools within the context of the increasingly complex and uncertain landscape young people face in trying to identify potential career paths.
It was the first webinar in a new series, presented as part of the Building Legacy and Capacity project — a strategic initiative by the NCSEHE. This ongoing series incorporates selected topics from the ‘10 Conversations’ identified during the NCSEHE Forum in 2016 and combines expert workshops with sector-wide, multi-modal dissemination.
The webinar reported on the discussion and insights generated during the Building Legacy and Capacity workshop held in Canberra in September 2017, where a small group of participants—including researchers, practitioners, policymakers and community partners—contributed their insights as subject matter experts. The objectives of the workshop were to:
- define a collective knowledge base informed by research and practice
- engage in strategic and action planning to guide institutional practice and future research
- develop evidence-informed policy advice.
The webinar was hosted by Nadine Zacharias from the NCSEHE and co-presented by Andrew Harvey from La Trobe University and Kate Duyvestyn from Monash University who were both participants at the workshop.
Webinar participants were invited to contribute their experiences with designing and delivering career advice in partnership with schools.
We would like to thank the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) for their kind support in the production of this webinar.
View the presentation slides here.
Read the accessible format transcript as a Word document or PDF.
About the presenters
Andrew Harvey is Director of the Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research (CHEEDR). He has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and PhD in Politics, both from the University of Melbourne. Andrew has published widely in areas of higher education policy, including student equity, admissions, retention, and globalisation. He is lead editor of Student Equity in Australian Higher Education: Twenty-five years of A Fair Chance for All (Springer, 2016). Other research interests include nationalism, identity, and Latin American culture. Andrew’s previous roles include Director of Regional Operations at La Trobe, Deputy Director (Academic) of the Bendigo Campus of La Trobe, and Executive Officer of the Australian Council of Deans of Education.
Kate Duyvesten is the Director, Social Inclusion at Monash University and has been responsible for Access Monash since 2006. Kate is passionate about improving the access, participation and success of students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. Her key successes include: the expansion of Schools Access Monash: the development of the Access Monash Mentoring program: and the development of the Monash Guarantee across all undergraduate courses.
Nadine Zacharias is Senior Research Fellow at the NCSEHE and was an inaugural Equity Fellow in 2016. Nadine’s research interests and expertise are at the intersection of equity research, practice and policy at institutional and national levels. She has led applied research projects in the fields of equity policy and program management, inclusive teaching and learning, and gender equity in employment. Nadine was Director, Equity and Diversity at Deakin University from 2011 to 2016 where she led one of the most integrated and effective Equity teams in Australian higher education.